Silence Creativity


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Today was my memorable day.Once more, I went to Klang to visit my old friends.We gathered at Ideen's house like before and I was very tired and sleepy right now because of my journey from my home in Kajang to Klang.It was very long journey.It took me about 3 hours from my home to Ideen's house using public transports.Since I went to sleep late last night which was at about 3.00 a.m., so I was very sleepy to visit my old friends in Klang.But I still wanted to go to visit my old friends in Klang because this was my only chance to visit them in this holiday.

I woke up from my sleep at about 6:40 a.m. and I was very sleepy.After I prepared myself, I began my journey to Klang at about 7:50 a.m. from my home.First, I waited for a bus to go to UKM Station.After I had paid for my ticket to Klang, I waited for the train.In the train, I was very bored.I'm just sat on the chair doing nothing but only listening to my MP3.Since I only had a few money, I decided to withdraw money from bank at KL Central.It was also the place where I had to transit my current train to another train.

Then, I continued my journey to Klang.When I arrived at Klang Station, I quickly rushed to Klang Bus Stop.I waited for a bus to go to Sri Andalas.After I had arrived at the bus stop in front of the HTAR, I walked to Ideen's house.I met Haniff, Raimi & Ideen after 1 month and a half I didn't meet them.We talked a lot about our experiences in SBP.We played a lot and didn't do any school works...hahaha.I had to admit it that I'm a little bit bored at Ideen's house because there was none activities that interested me lot.

When the time had come to evening, it was the time for me to say goodbye to them.After that, I went to the mosque nearby for 'Asar' pray.It's been a long time since I went to that mosque.So, I decided to go there.Then, I continued my journey to go back home in Kajang.I waited at the bus stop and rode a bus to Klang.I walked to Klang commuter station and bought a ticket to Kajang.Before that, I went to bookshop & stationeries.I met my SAMTH old friends there.

The journey back to Kajang was very tired.I had to stand in the train for very long time from Klang to KL Central.Then, I decided to rest for a while at KL Central.I bought some drinks to drink since I was very tired.After a short break, I continued my journey.I didn't expect that there still had a lot of people in the train at 8:15 p.m. I thought that it had decreased but on the contrary, there still had lots more people in the train.So, once more I had to stand on the train until I arrived in Kajang.

After I arrived in Kajang commuter station, I decided to take a cab since I'm lazy to walk because of my tiredness standing on the train for a long time.The cab took me from there to my house.Then, I rushed to my house and knocked the door.After that, I went in and I'm back to my ordinary life.The end of my journey today.
Later ;)
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Cakap pasal pengalaman ni, mmg bermacam2 pengalaman yg saya dapat dalam hidupku ini, tapi skrg ni saya nk citer pasal sklh baru aku tu di Raub, Pahang.SM Sains Tengku Abdullah sebuah sekolah berasrama penuh yg sngt terkenal di Pahang.Kalo ckp je psl sklh tu mmg satu Pahang kenal.Sekolah tersebut sudah 3 tahun berturut-turut menjadi sekolah no.1 di Pahang dalam keputusan peperiksaan PMR & SPM sehingga tersebar ke ruang akhbar mengenai kecemerlangan dalam SPM baru-baru ini.

Di sekolah itu, saya mendapat kwn baru...x de sorang pun yg saya kenal masuk ke sklh tu :(.Saya juga telah mula menyertai permainan yg belum pernah saya rasa kerana tiada peluang untuk mencubanya akibat ketiadaan permainan ni di sklh dulu, iaitu "tenis & basketball", dua permainan baru yg saya ingin cuba.Selain itu, ada gak yg lain seperti ragbi, kriket & lain2.Antara 2 permainan tu, saya lebih bnyk bermain tenis daripada 'basketball'.Walaupun mula-mulanya ssh nk mainnyer, tetapi setelah seminggu lebih berlatih memukul bola, akhirnya saya dapat mengawal bola tu (walaupun x seberapa tp boleh laa).

Bab pelajaran, mula-mula tu mmg x paham laa ape yg cikgu ajar.Setelah sebulan bljr di sklh tu, dapatlah saya menjinakkan diri ini dgn subjek F4 yg baru ni terutama sekali EST, fizik, kimia, + math, lukisan kejuruteraan & teknologi kejuruteraan (aliran teknikal).Kelas F4 di sklh ni ada 5 sahaja (3 kelas aliran sains tulin & 2 kelas aliran teknikal).Keputusan ujian {1} tu boleh laa dikatakan memuaskan, 5A 1B 5C...selamat saya x dapat G9.Ape2 pun saya berharap agar dpt buat lebih baik dlm ujian akn dtg.
wassalam ;)
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Ape yg aku nak tulis aku pun x tau lah.Aku x de idea tp hentam je lah.Kerja sekolah macam biasalah tapi rasenyer x de laa bnyk sngt.Aku belum start pun lagi membuatnyer.Mungkin disebabkan penyakit malas yang melanda diriku ini.Tapi, jika berkaitan internet ni, tiap2 hari aku boleh mengonlinekan diri.Dah lah aku dh ketinggalan sebulan pelajaran di sekolah akibat lewat mendaftarkan diri ke sekolah.hahaha.Salah aku sendiri.Siapa suruh daftar lambat sngt.Memang patut pun laa.

Aku ni mmg jarang tulis blog dlm BM ni, tapi cuba je laa agar dapat tulis menggunakan dwibahasa kelak.Jika tersalah bahasa atau teruk bahasa aku ni harap maaflah...Waktu sekolah semakin lama semakin dekat namun aku masih lagi belum memulakan kerje sklhku...dhlah aku bnyk x faham matapelajaran2 F4 yg baru dipelajari ni...MT , FZ, KM, LK, TK & yg lain.

Ujian 1 baru je lepas dan aku dpt keputusan yg sederhana baik (boleh laa dikatakan memuaskan).Walaupun ade laa soalan yg mampu ternganga je nk menjawab tapi x pe laa...nk hentam pun x tahu perkataan ape yg sesuai utk dihentamkan tu.Kalo objektif tu sng laa sikit...guna je sniper rifle...mesti tepat mengenai sasaran...cuma x confirm betul atau tidak je jawapannyer.

Selalunyer di asrama, waktu yg best bg aku mesti laa waktu makan, tido, main, & 'outing'.Dalam bnyk sklh yg aku pegi,makanan sklh ni lah yang bnyk sekali hidangannyer...5 kali sehari menunya...watu pagi, tengah hari, petang, malam & tgh malam...mmg kenyang laa...x payah nk citer laa.Asrama dulu hanya 4 kali je sehari.Waktu tido, main & outing tu lbih kurang same laa dgn asrama lain.Cukup laa setakat ni penulisanku yg tidak seberapa menarik ni.
Wassalam. :)
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The story starts last year in 'fast month' (bulan puasa).It was the time when I ''FLY'' from my SAMTH hostel and went back to Terengganu for some reasons since that day was not the day for students to go back home or outing.Before I went to Klang Bus Station, I went to "Solat Jumaat" first at mosque because that day was in Friday.When the time comes for students to go back to hostel, I decided to wait for several minutes until they all gone from my sight.Then, I started to walk from the mosque to Klang Bus Station to buy ticket to Terengganu.

At Klang Bus Station, I checked the cheapest ticket since I don't have much money.At that time, the cheapest fee to my destination was about RM43.00 and I only had around Rm51.00.After I bought the ticket, I called my father who was at Terengganu via public phone.I was very shocked when I got informed from my father that I had bought the wrong ticket.The ticket that I should bought supposed to be a destination to Jerteh or Besut, but I had bought ticket to Kuala Terengganu.So, my father told me to change that ticket.Without thinking much, I went to the ticket bus counter and told the lady in the counter that I wanted to change my ticket to another destination.After that, she told me to change it at about 8.00 p.m. (rasenyer pown dh x ingat waktu yg sebenarnyer).So, I had to wait for about 4 to 5 hours from now since the current time was just at about 3 p.m.

I was very tired and hungry.I'm glad that I "FLY" that day because I can meet my old friend, Hanif.I was accidentally met him at MYDIN.It's been a long time since I met him.we talked a bit about ourselves and about our trial PMR results.After a short talk, we then separated to our each way.I went to MYDIN because I wanted to buy something to eat when the time comes for me to eat.Since I only had RM8.00 left after I paid for the ticket,so I bought 'LEXUS' biscuits as my food to eat.I felt like a poor person at that time because I only had biscuits as my food to eat since that day was 'fast month'.

Then, I searched for a place to pray.After "Solat Asar", I went to rest for a while there and then, I felt asleep.After a short nap, I woke up and looked at the clock.It was at about 6 p.m. Then, I went to MYDIN again because I forgot to buy drinks to drink.At that time, I only had few money, but I can afford to buy 1.5 litres 100 Plus aqtiv.After that, I went to 'surau' that I went before and waited until the time comes for me to eat.

After eating some biscuits, I went for 'Solat Qasar & Jamak Takdim' since I wanted to go for a long journey.After finished praying, I quickly went to the counter to see the lady to change my ticket to another destination which was to Jerteh.But she was nowhere to be found.Maybe she went home for a while to take for a break.After a few minutes waiting for her, finally she came.So, I talked to her how to change it.She asked me to give me the ticket and then, she did something on her computer in the counter and changed my destination to Jerteh.At last, I can go to meet my parents who had been there without any trouble.Alhamdulillah.

After my bus had arrived at Klang Bus Station, I went to the bus and gave the man my ticket.Then, I went inside to pack my things and belongings at my place.There was a few passengers in the bus and there was no one beside me.After all passengers who was on the list were in the bus, the journey to Terengganu began.At first, I was so excited and very happy since it was my first time I went to Terengganu alone by bus.It was very long trip.Since it was dark at night so, I can't look outside scenery clearly.The journey to Jerteh, Terengganu took for about 8 hours from Klang Bus Station.After a long time in the bus doing nothing, I felt very bored.It was also very cold in the bus since I don't have any jacket to wear.

After a few hours,the bus stopped at it's bus stop to take for a break.I thought the time was at about 1.15 a.m. The bus only stop once in this journey to Terengganu.All passengers went out from the bus to rest and eat for a while at the bus stop.I went to the shop to buy something.Since I had left few money, so I can only buy drinks for RM1.20.I was very hungry at that time, but I had to force myself.As I remember, after I bought that drink, my money had only 20 cent left.It was very hard at that time.Then, I waited at the restaurant nearby for a few minutes until the break time end.It was about 45 minutes of break time.When the time finished, all the passengers including me went inside the bus and started to continue our journey.

After 8 hours journey from Klang, finally I arrived at Jerteh safely.It was at about 4.50 a.m. Then, I searched for public phone and called my father to pick me from that bus stop.Before my father came to pick me, I waited at the stall nearby.It surprised me a little bit that the stall had open in this very early time and there were many people in the stall.It was people who also came to Jerteh by bus.Maybe they wanted to rest a bit and waited for someone to pick them.

Back to my story...At the stall, I ate my last biscuits while waiting for my father to pick me up.After several minutes waiting, at last my father came with my younger brother.All of my family were in Terengganu except my elder brother since he stayed in his hostel.Then, we went to my village in Besut, Terengganu.Luckily, I can 'bersahur' when I reached there because the time didn't finish yet.At that time, I was very hungry,sleepy and tired a little bit since I ate only some biscuits and drank a bottle of 100 Plus aqtiv and some drinks.If I can't 'bersahur' at that time, maybe I had to skip my fast on that day.

After 1 day and a half staying in my village, I had to go back to my hostel on Sunday because tomorrow which was Monday, my parents had started on thier working duty at their places.It was also the day where I had to go to learn in school.So, I had to go back to my hostel by car with my family.It eas very short time I satyed in my village.I really hope that I can stay for a little bit longer, so that I can feel the scenario of my village better.

I arrived at my school at about 11 p.m. After my family had left me in my hostel, I went out from my car and enter to my hostel's room.I packed out all my things and put it into my locker room.Then, without thinking much, I directly went to sleep.On the next day, like hostels' students always did, I woke up from my sleep and went to Subuh pray.After that, I get ready to go to school like always.I'm very thankful because I didn't get any penalty points as I "FLY" from my hostel to go to Terengganu by bus.
Later ;)
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Today is my first time I go to EPU.I don't know what is EPU.The pupils in this school call the computer lab, EPU.Now is Sivic subject and my teacher want us to go to EPU.So, my classmates and I go to computer lab (EPU) and start playing computer.Teacher want us to do some work but we all seem to do other things like listening songs,playing games and surfing internets.I am just sitting on this chair writing this blog and do some other things.Even though it just only for a few minutes but I am glad to go here because I can on9 again after couple of weeks.I will talk about anything later because I don't have much time on this EPU.
Later ;)
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